Legal details
Responsible for the content according to § 5 TMG:
Sporer PCS GmbH
D - 08606 Mühlental
Weidmannsruh 10
Telephone +49 37421 7009-0
Telefax +49 37421 7009-10
E-mail info(at)
Represented by the managing directors:
Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Schmetzer
Dipl.-Ing (BA) Michael Schmetzer
UStID: DE303659088
HRB Chemnitz 29970
Indication concerning the law of consumer settlement of disputes (§ 36 VSBG):
The company does not participate in dispute settlement procedures of conciliation committees.
Please also consider the information concerning data privacy, general terms and conditions and general purchase conditions.
Disclaimer – exemption from liability
1. Website content
The author always endeavours to provide high quality information. Nevertheless, the author does not warrant the actuality, the correctness, the integrity or the quality of the provided information.
Liability claims against the author concerning material or non-material damages that have been caused by using or not using the provided information respectively by using faulty or incomplete information are in principle excluded, as long as there is no proof for a wilful or grossly negligent fault of the author.
All offers are subject to change and without engagement. The author expressively reserves the right to modify, to complement or to delete parts of the pages or the whole offer without separate advertisement, or to stop the publication temporarily or definitely.
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The author of this website maintains exclusively the copyright for published objects created by himself. The duplication or the use of such graphics and texts in other electronic or printed publications is not allowed without the explicit agreement of the author.
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You will find more information about data privacy protection here.
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This exemption from liability is to be seen as a part of the website that lead to this page. If parts or single formulations of this text should not comply, not comply any longer or not comply entirely with prevailing legal norms, the other parts of this document remain unaffected in their content and their validity.