Detailed inquiry 1. Description of the work pieceSteelCopperBrassRed brassStainless steelPlasticsOther material Dimensions (WxDxH in mm) Weight (in kg) Here you have the possibility to add an image or a drawing of your work pieceAnnexe (xls, doc, pdf) Annexe (jpg, png) 2. Workpiece to be washedNumber of pieces per hour 3. Surface of the workpieces Sensitive Non-sensitive 4. Soiling of the workpieceLubricants, oilsGreaseWater-soluble cooling lubricantsPreserving agent and/ or waxDust, abrasion, abrasive dustVarnishSwarfs, coarse particlesSaltOther soiling 5. How shall the workpieces be cleaned?Single partsBulk goodBasketsOther typer of cleaning 6. Cleaning agentAlkaline, aqueous cleaning agentSolvent based cleaning agent (flashpoint above 55°C)Without cleaning agentOther cleaning agent 7. Requirement concerning the cleaning resultCoarse cleaningFine cleaning (300µm)Precision cleaningDegreasingPaint strippingConservationBlowing8. How shall the machine be loaded?Manual loadingLoading by craneFull automatic loadingSynchronisation with the customers system9. Do you want a bath care? no yes If yes, what has to be separated?OilDustAbrasive dustOther bath care 10. Specific requirementsOther 11. TimingOffer until week 12. Do you want to finance the machine? yes no 13. Your dataWe will be glad to send you more information about the machine type mentioned in the subject. Subject Company mandatoryContact person mandatoryStreet mandatoryPostcode mandatoryPlace mandatoryE-Mail mandatoryTelephone Your message mandatory I have read and understood the data privacy statement and hereby consent to the processing of the data. We only use your data to contact you. We will not pass the data on to third parties. mandatoryCaptchamandatoryCaptcha Submit Ergänzendes SPORER PCS GmbH Weidmannsruh 10 08606 Mühlental Germany Tel.: +49 (0) 37421/700 90Fax: +49 (0) 37421/700 910Mail: